
54 Ways To Help The Homeless

54 Ways You Can Help The Homeless
By Rabbi Charles A. Kroloff

"You may reproduce this book entirely, or any section of it, for non-profit use without seeking permission from the author or publisher provided proper credit is given. The permission is granted in order to permit the widest possible distribution of its contents in schools, religious institutions, and by individuals who want to inform others about ways to help homeless people."

In keeping with the fact that all profits from the sale of the book (in which this list appears) will be donated to organizations that are serving the homeless, any revenue from clicks on this article will be also donated, as will all revenue from clicks on the challenge article from which this was launched.

* 1. Understand who the homeless are

* 2. Educate yourself about the homeless

* 3. Respect the homeless as individuals

* 5. Respond with kindess

* 6. Carry fast-food certificates

* 7. Develop lists of shelters

* 8. Buy Street News

* 9. Bring food

* 10. Give money

* 11. Give recyclables

* 12. Give proceeds from a craft sale

* 13. Give clothing

* 14. Give a bag of groceries

* 15. Give toys

* 16. Give welcome kits

* 17. Give a portion of party expenses

* 18. Give this book

* 19. Volunteer at a shelter

* 20. Volunteer at a soup kitchen

* 21. Volunteer your professional talents

* 22. Volunteer your hobbies

* 23. Volunteer for follow up programs

* 24. Tutor homeless children

* 25. Take homeless children on trips

* 26. Bring a meal to the homeless

* 27. Organize a thrift shop

* 28. Volunteer at battered women's shelters

* 29. Volunteer job training

* 30. Teach about the homeless

* 31. Publish shelter information

* 32. Enlist community organizations as advocates

* 33. Educate your children about the homeless

* 34. Sign up your company/school

* 34. Recruit local businesses

* 36. Ask your clergy to help

* 37. Suggest your congregation offer tithes

* 38. Create lists of needed donations

* 39. Teach their friends

* 40. Collect toys and games for donations

* 41. Prepare food and gifts

* 42. Donate admissions fees from an event

* 43. Use birthday parties to help

* 44. Play with children in a shelter

* 45. Start a Second Harvest program

* 46. Employ the homeless

* 47. Help the homeless apply for aid

* 48. Stand up for the civil rights of the homeless

* 49. Join Habitat for Humanity

* 50. Form a transitional housing program

* 51. Write to organizations

* 52. Contact your government representatives

* 53. Push for state homelessness prevention programs

* 54. Send us your ideas

Permission to copy this list has been granted by the author and his publishers:

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