Quantum Cognition is the quality of information processing that encompasses and extends beyond material/sensory based data
collection modalities, to include more subtle avenues of awareness, where a direct experience of the nature of the perceiver
can be felt and understood in its totality. This direct experience is verified by the perceiver, according to his/her own
reality strategy, while also transcending the linear syntax of thought patterns familiar to the intellect. This quality of
perception, being uninhibited by linearity, unhinges consciousness from the boundary conditions of the ego thought system
- which is rooted in time/space - allowing access to the atemporal reality of our eternal self-hood.
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Please visit http://premieres.com/ for powerful transformational media produced by Rysa5 and the Gold Ring Media Group
Meditation to release the collective fear held on Neptune
Author Unknown
1. Find a time and place where you can relax undisturbed.
2. Connect with Source.
3. State your intention by offering to go to Neptune to start the release of the ancient fear.
4. Wait until you sense your offer has been accepted. This is an opportunity for a person to tap into seriously powerful energy
and your intention must be pure before you are allowed to go.
5. Relax deeply and visualise a cloak of warmth and protection placed round you.
6. Ask for one of the ancient Atlantean pyramids with its quartz crystal on top of it, to come to you.
7. Place yourself in the pyramid, then ask to be taken to Neptune. Here you sit quietly within your pyramid and allow the
Source energy to work through you.
8. Be aware of the crystal on top of your pyramid lighting up and linking to other similar pyramids and out into the angelic
9. The angels can then send an energy through you that dissolves some of the fear.
10. Recognise the specific fear that has been indicated to you, then open up to the wisdom now available.
11. Thank the ancestors for accessing this wisdom originally.
12. Return to where you started.
13. Finally act on the wisdom you received. This is most important.
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