“Sexual Seduction!”
Have you ever met a person. That upon meeting you had absolutely no interest
at all. Yet a few days later you were so drawn to this person and could find
no logical or emotional reason for this desperate desire that was
strengthening with every passing moment, until you truly believed you were
in love with them. Then you became so desperate that you found yourself
doing, saying, and acting like a complete and total stranger to yourself?
I have, many times. Then finally I figured out what head game this person
was playing on me to get me to react towards them in the manner in witch
they wanted me to.
We all know people who believe that every female or {in the second case}
male falls in love with them. These people have many others making harassing
phone calls, stalking, leaving desperate messages everywhere, and
desperately chasing after them at all times.
Since this person's physical looks don't promote such a reaction at all
neither does their personality, this person can never explain why all
these people are continually reacting to them in this fashion.
This person in question is playing major sexual seduction games on others in
order to boost their ego. It makes them fell wanted, adored, needed, and
desired. They truly believe they are irresistible as long as their victims
keep chasing after them.
Any person that has this type of head space is imagining falling in love,
having sex acts {in detail} running through their day dreams about their
Look deeper now. This same person turn you on by your thinking about them.
Sometimes to the point of creating feelings you have never experienced
before and want to experience forever. So beautiful at times that your
reaction is to leave your home, mate and children.
But when you tell this person how deeply you want them they give you a very
solid reason why they are unattainable. No matter how you explain your
feelings to them they pretend to sympathize and continue rejecting you. Your
heart crushes. You then deal with this, cry it all out, let it go, begin to
feel like yourself once again, and it happens again. You begin to chase and
they reject you, over and over. Sometimes to the point of suicidal thoughts,
or even suicide.
"Your Not Alone!"
More then half the suicides on this planet are caused directly these types
of head games. Many very prominent people such as:Janice Joplin, actor
Michael Douglas, and President Bill Clinton have experienced these games.
Janis Joplin {the Queen f Rock}, took heavy drugs and drank herself to death
If someone is playing these games on you get as far away from them as you
possible can and brake the hold they have on you. Beware, as this can happen
to anyone, anywhere, any time you are in a venerable period of your life.
Angel Femia