Humiliation is commonly used in mind control. Humiliation is when one or more people, embarrass another in order to make them
feel weak and
small. We have all herd it in our everyday life and most likely done it as well. A good example of that is: As a child
I thought and acted very
differently then the other kids I grew up with. I was constantly being teased, put down and taunted everywhere I went, by
family and friends. They
humiliated me very deeply until I became almost silent out of the embarrassment. Another example is when a child acts up
and his or her friends
are in the house, mom chastises the child in front of his friends. Ask any child that this has happened to, he or she will
discontinue their acts as
long as their friends are around, {out of pure embarrassment}, but when no one else is around, the child will repeat the
negative act. The control
only lasts as long as the embarrassment is deep. Never the less, as long as embarrassment is being used it is mind control
and not discipline as many
people believe. Deep humiliation can and has lead to suicide. With myself and many other suicide survivors, ended up at
a point of totally
believing the negative picture that others had been painting of us and tried to kill ourselves. Some made it and others of
us are still alive to tell the story.
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