Gossip has been done since the beginning of time.
Essentially Gossip is talking about any person who is not in the presents of the
conversation, that is taking place. Most people seem to think that Gossip is
harmless. Not So. I personally have had many horrid experiences that started with
One of the memories I have will explain why and how Gossip causes suicide is as
About fifth-teen years ago I lived in Durham Region. The community was very close
minded. Everyone knew everyone. I was situated within the Musicians community of
the region. A friend of mine and I had a plan to record a song, (this song being
the same project we at LoveCry are still trying to get produced, Love's Not A
sin). My friend would provide the band and I would provide the funds.
We finally got all the arrangements made and started to pull in the people we
needed to get the job done. We were collecting support from everywhere.
One of the other musicians, who had had a crush on me since I was a child, became
very jealous of the situation my friend and I had created and he began to say some
very sick, disgusting things about myself and my friend.
People began to treat us like garbage and many walked out of the situation. The
project became so dirty that we had no choice but to abandon it.
Meanwhile the emotional pain from hearing the things that were said, and the fact
that our special project was destroyed by these untrue words, was devastating for
me but even worse for my friend. We had to watch our work being trashed due to
things that were said and were not true at all. Our lives were mocked, laughed at
and taunted by the person responsible for the gossip and his believers. My friend
and I were horrified and emotionally ripped.
My solution to this was to move to Vancouver, and I did. I left Toronto airport on
Saturday night.
My friend, who had been one of the most popular personalities in the area, had to
go on living in this small town that now looked down upon him as if he were the
dirt of the world. I felt my friend was hurting. He was on my mind non-stop, so I
called him as soon as my plain landed in Vancouver. I was reassured that things
were O.K. I tried to go on with my plans but I continuously received heavy sad
feelings coming from my friend. I called again and again. This time no one could
find him anywhere.
By Wednesday morning, when I woke up, the sadness was deadly. I called back home
to see if I could find my friend again. No answer. I decided to get on a plain
back home. When I arrived I went straight to the bar, (Rosie's), where my friend
had a house gig. He was not there. Everyone was worried. No one had seen him in
days. We all began to search for him.
The time at this point was 10 PM. My friend was found in a motel room at 9 AM the
next morning. He had shot himself in the chest, right next to his heart and died
shortly after he reached the hospital. The doctors reported that my friend had
committed suicide.
This friend I speak of is very well known in the music community of this country
and the shock to all was horrid and devastating. I doubt very highly that Durham
Region will ever truly get over this memory. He was one of the best keyboard
players in the area and made many people happy throughout his career. A major loss
to all. "SUICIDE due to GOSSIP." Gossip destroys people's lives. Gossip is Psychic, Emotional and Verbal Abuse.
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