A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical
Association has linked sexual abuse cases in women with mental disorders. According to the study, the women who have experienced
rape, sexual assault, intimate partner violence and stalking were more likely to develop a mental disorder.
Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Center for Injury Research
and Policy Director Sc. D. Andrea Gielen stated, "When professionals are treating women with depression or mental health issues,
it's best to be clued in to the fact that violence might be behind [it]".
The researchers of the study examined the data of a nationally
representative sample of Australian women aged between 16 and 85.
The Health. com exposed that the incidence of gender-based
violence were quite common as around 27% of the group notified such incidents. Among these, cases of 57% women revealed that
they had a history of depression, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic strain, physical abuse, or anxiety.
Also, among the women who had experienced three different
types of violence and more, the mental disorder rate was quite high, around 89%.
The study concluded that the women who have experienced
abuse were more likely to suffer from mental disorders and were 20 times more likely to attempt suicide than other females
who have not experienced such heinous crimes.